




新的长安之星---2代(七坐)加长版面包车优价出租,带中央空调,商务车的空间和舒适度,面包车的价格!!!会议 旅游 小型搬家 带人 物流 快递 长途 包车.........只要你用到面包车的地方,尽管开口24小时X7天为你服务!!!!!

司机技术熟练,8年安全驾龄,为人热情,无不良嗜好,熟悉无锡已及周边城市的街道!!以及上海 安徽 浙江 江苏的路线,车上配备GPS卫星导航仪!!使你尽快准确的到达目的地!!!!

New star of Changan ---2 (seven seat) extended edition van and rental, with central air-conditioning, commercial space and comfort, van price!!!

Conference tourism small moving with people express logistics long-distance car... As long as you use the van place, despite the open 24 hours X7 day service for you!!!!!

Drivers skilled, five years safe driving experience, is warm, no bad habits, familiar with Wuxi and the surrounding city streets!!

and the route of Shanghai Anhui Zhejiang Jiangsu, the car equipped with GPS satellite navigator!!

so that you arrive at the destination as soon as possible accurate!!!